About myself

Mathieu Jahnich.

Independent consultant-researcher

I help companies and organisations respond to societal expectations and meet the challenges of ecological and solidarity-based transition through more responsible communications.

https://mj-cms.jcloud-ver-jpe.ik-server.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/photo-homepage-MJ.jpgDistinctive features.


From research to action

Holding a PhD in communication, I can put things into perspective for a detailed analysis of the stakes for the company and stakeholders’ expectations, to make concrete, useful recommendations that are adapted to the reality on the ground.


Over 20 years of experience

I have been working on communication and ecological transition issues since 1999, for both public and private sectors, in a wide variety of fields (research & innovation, consumer goods, industry, culture & media, etc.), in BtoB and BtoC.


Attentiveness, agility and high quality service

It is important to me to offer consulting services that meet the real needs of companies/organisations and to adjust my intervention in keeping with the progress of the responsible communication process and the risks.

The services I provide.

My offer is particularly aimed at communication / marketing / CSR directors of large companies, managers of SMEs / start-ups, as well as communication managers in public organisations.

https://mj-cms.jcloud-ver-jpe.ik-server.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/MJ_1_Hauteur_Rond_RVB_BD.jpgLooking at the bigger picture.

Studying the main environmental and social issues and the competitive environment of the organisation, collecting and analysing the expectations of internal and external stakeholders to enrich CSR and communication strategies.

The ecological transition is a necessity for companies and organisations of all sizes and in all sectors of activity. The environmental and social challenges are complex, with multiple expectations from stakeholders and numerous ways of translating this into marketing positioning, offers and communication actions. 

I help communication/marketing/CSR managers to step back and get perspective:  

Gathering and analysing the perceptions and expectations of employees, customers, suppliers, etc. to enrich CSR, marketing and communication strategies.

Analysing the company’s offer, the main environmental and social issues and the competitive environment, to improve the company’s positioning.

Recent assignments:https://mj-cms.jcloud-ver-jpe.ik-server.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/centre-juno-beach-150×150.png

Centre Juno Beach (memorial site and cultural centre), General management (2021)

How can we promote the Centre’s commitments and position it as a leader in the field of sustainable tourism in Normandy? 

Analysis of the SD approach and communication actions, stakeholders survey, sectoral and territorial comparative analysis, formulation of recommendations and co-construction of the CSR strategy and the communication strategy, drafting of language elements for use in communication tools.


University continuing education network  (2020-2021)

How to consolidate the network’s strategic choices.  How can the network’s many contributions be promoted to university authorities and national partners?

Carrying out a quantitative and qualitative survey among the directors of the network at national level. Analysis of the data and formulation of recommendations for in-house and external communications. Project management for the production of infographics.

https://mj-cms.jcloud-ver-jpe.ik-server.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/MJ_2_Equilibre_Rond_RVB_BD.jpgStriking the right balance.

Analysing the ecological arguments of marketing and communication materials to verify their coherence with the CSR strategy and with ethical rules, setting up safety nets to limit accusations of greenwashing.

Promoting the ecological advantages of a product or service to increase sales, communicating about commitments to differentiate yourself from the competition, putting teams in the spotlight to build loyalty… all this is essential. But how can it be done without being accused of greenwashing, or being criticised by NGOs?

I help companies find the right balance in communication:

Analysing the ecological arguments of marketing and communication materials to check their consistency with the CSR strategy and with ethical rules.

Identifying risks and putting safety nets in place: evidence, trusted third parties, posture of responsibility, arguments, etc.

Recent assignments:https://mj-cms.jcloud-ver-jpe.ik-server.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/groupe-seb-150×150.png

Groupe SEB, Innovation and RSE managers (2021)

In the context of launching a range of eco-designed products, are the communication elements developed clearly and proportionately?

Analysis of the different communication media used at group level and by different business units (product packaging, video, landing page, etc.). Formulating my recommendations.


La Brosserie Française (Bioseptyl brand), head of communication (2021)

Are the ecological arguments used on the communication tools (packaging, commercial brochure, etc.) clear?   Is there a risk of being accused of greenwashing?

Visit to the company and an in-depth interview with the communication and marketing manager to understand the approach and commitments, screening of all messages and discussion of their scope, proposing alternatives in certain cases.


Reporting of contentious advertisements to the Advertising Standards Jury (since 2019)

37 complaints were filed and ruled upon as of 30 June 2021. 28 were considered founded (75%) and 9 unfounded. 

Terrena, Orano, Jules, Jaguar, Houra, Kusmi Tea, Total, Benetton, Toyota, Daddy, Butagaz, Staf, Adidas, Levi’s, Google…   Analysis of environmental claims and their compliance with the Sustainable Development Recommendation of the French advertising self-regulatory organisation (ARPP). Drafting sales arguments and presenting them to the Panel and representatives from the advertiser, their agency and the broadcaster or publisher.

https://mj-cms.jcloud-ver-jpe.ik-server.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/MJ_3_Elan_Rond_RVB_BD.jpgGenerating momentum.

Running training courses and designing systems to raise awareness and support marketing, advertising and communication functions and all their interfaces (other departments, business units, partners, etc.) towards more responsible practices.

Deploying a CSR strategy and implementing more responsible marketing and communications are long-term processes that mobilise all the internal and external stakeholders of the company and the organisation.

I intervene to generate momentum and keep it going.

Design and run training courses and workshops to support the marketing and communication functions and all their interfaces (R&D, purchasing, HR, finance but also partners, suppliers, etc.) towards more responsible practices.

Build a programme of events and produce content to mobilise and showcase employees or agents.

Recent assignments:https://mj-cms.jcloud-ver-jpe.ik-server.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/loreal-operations-150×150.png

L’Oréal Operations. Members of the Communications department (2020-2021)

The L’Oréal group has long been engaged in a CSR approach. The question was how to ensure that the members of the Communications department also contribute to this approach?

Goals: Train the 10-member team of the Communications department about the stakes of responsible communication and the main levers of action. Co-construct an initial action plan and form working groups.


Agence B Side. All agency staff (2021)

The B-Side agency acquired « mission-led company » status in late 2020, committing it to set social and environmental objectives and fully integrate the principles of responsible communication for itself and its clients.

Goals: bring all of the 20 members of the agency up to speed on the stakes and practices of responsible communication, identify levers of action for the full scope of agency projects (their own projects and above all, projects for their clients).

In the news on my blog.

Since 2005, I have examined how communication and marketing can align with the challenges of ecological transition. Click here to see my analyses, accounts and stories, and resource material (publications in French).

MORE POSTShttps://mj-cms.jcloud-ver-jpe.ik-server.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Capture-décran-2021-09-08-à-10.59.16.pngPress room.

I regularly appear in the general or specialised media to interpret the impact of ecological transition on companies’ marketing and communication functions. Journalists can contact me directly for an informal discussion when they are preparing a brief or a report, or for an interview.

InterviewBriefReportConferences & podcasts.

I greatly enjoy speaking at conferences, alone or with others, in person or by videoconference, to raise awareness of the issues and (best) practices of more responsible communication and marketing.

Don’t hesitate to contact me.


My side activities.



Along with Élodie Chevallier and Valeria Ramirez, in 2019 I co-founded the « Collectif des chercheurs-consultants », a group bringing together experienced professionals from the research sector who put their know-how at the service of economic actors in a practical, operational approach.



Associate researcherhttps://mj-cms.jcloud-ver-jpe.ik-server.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/uvsq.png

Interdisciplinary Laboratory Changes of Economic and political Spaces – Paris Saclay (LIMEEP – PS, University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, France).

MORE INFORMATIONhttps://mj-cms.jcloud-ver-jpe.ik-server.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/uclouvain.png

Louvain Research Institute in Management and Organization (LouRIM, Catholic University of Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium).


Most of my services are provided remotely.  I travel when necessary, all over France and elsewhere worldwide, to better know and accompany you. 

Complete the form, or call / write to +33 6 74 88 92 73 / conseil@mj-cms.jcloud-ver-jpe.ik-server.com

Check my availability and choose the time slot that suits you best, for an initial 30-minute conversation.

Prenez rendez-vous