Communication environnementale et climatique

À noter : deux formations à distance proposées en juin-juillet par l’Association Internationale de Communication Environnementale (IECA) et par Climate Access. Du haut niveau !

Environmental Communication:
Research into Practice

Cours en ligne du 9 juin au 17 juillet 2014.
Professeur : Mark Meisner

This course will explore how the most relevant research and theory from fields such as communication, psychology and political science can be used to improve the practice of science, sustainability and environmental communication. We will examine how language, images, and media come together in advocacy and social marketing campaigns, and other forms of public participation for environmental protection. We will consider how communication is used to accomplish practical goals, as well as how it affects people’s perceptions of nature and environmental affairs. To do this we will use readings, examples, cases, mini lectures, discussions, and the insights of leaders in the field. Participants will work on communication projects that are relevant to their specific interests.

Programme, tarifs et inscriptions sur le site de l’IECA.

Climate Change & Sustainability Communication Campaigns

Cours en ligne du 2 juin au 16 juillet 2014.
Professeur : Ed Maibach

This course is designed for graduate students in any discipline – and for working professionals in the fields of climate change, sustainability and related earth- and life-science disciplines – who seek to use communication strategically in helping organizations, communities, states, and nations pursue their climate change and/or sustainability goals. Students will learn to use five frameworks: two of these frameworks help organize and reveal “actionable” insights in the social and behavioral science literature; two help guide the development of effective communication; and one helps guide the development of specific behavior change initiatives. Students will also apply these research-based insights based on their interests.

Programme, tarifs et inscriptions sur le site de Climate Action.




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